RESNET HERS Rating Tools Now Produce the Appraisal Institute Addendum - What This Means for Builders

Through an Agreement between RESNET and the Appraisal Institute, HERS Raters can now print the Appraisal Institute’s Residential Green and Efficiency Addendum through RESNET Accredited Rating Tools such as Ekotrope. Information is taken directly from the Rating and automatically populates the form to be handed to the appraiser. No extra work is required for builders or Raters, but energy efficient buildings may see increases in their appraised value!

Why is it valuable?

Design choices that builders make up front will be understood by appraisers after the house is built and rated. - Buildings’ energy performance can now easily be accounted/evaluated in the appraisal process. Appraisers can make comparisons between buildings’ energy features, helping the market to understand the value of energy performance. High performance homes can expect increases in their appraised value. Building energy efficiency is becoming more and more important in the appraisal process. We believe that Ekotrope can help well designed homes achieve the appraised value that they deserve by making quantifiable estimations of energy savings for homes over their lifetimes. As one of four RESNET Accredited Rating Tools, we believe this is extremely valuable for builders, appraisers, and home owners.


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