Inspection Sync
Inspection Sync acts as the connection between your Inspection application of choice and Ekotrope RATER, allowing you to update multiple existing energy models at once with field inspection results.

What is Inspection Sync?
Inspection Sync streamlines the field data collection process by enabling you to upload your field inspection data directly into Ekotrope RATER. This means that users no longer have to record field data in their inspection application and then spend time transcribing all of that information into each of the associated energy models in Ekotrope RATER. This transcription step is time-consuming, does not add any value, and is an opportunity for errors.
Upon uploading the inspection data with Inspection Sync, Ekotrope RATER will automatically update each energy model and then deliver a comprehensive report detailing the success of the transmission of all data points.
How to Get Started:
Inspection Sync integrates with most inspection applications to sync your inspection data with your existing energy models seamlessly.
Learn more about which popular inspection applications work well with Inspection Sync here. If you don’t see your preferred application on the list, contact us and we’ll help determine if Inspection Sync is the right tool for your organization.

How It Works
Record Field Inspection Data in the Field
Perform your inspections and record field data information as you would normally using your inspection application of choice.
Sync Inspection App with Ekotrope RATER
Go to batch actions, upload the Inspection Sync JSON file to Ekotrope RATER, and voila! All of the applicable energy models are updated with your inspection data.
Save time and Eliminate Errors
With Inspection Sync, you no longer have to spend 20 minutes reentering data that has already been recorded elsewhere. And you’ll never waste time tracking down a typo again.