SmartSearch Prospecting for Building Product Manufacturers
Find the right builders to grow your sales pipeline with our one-of-a-kind solution to building product prospecting.

What is SmartSearch Prospecting?
SmartSearch Prospecting helps you identify builders that are most likely to benefit from and adopt your products, for instance identifying builders who can achieve the 45L Tax Credit compliance as a result of adding your product to their project plan.
Senior Sales and Marketing Executives can define the criteria according to their ideal customer profiles and run a search across our national database of nearly 1 million newly built U.S. homes to identify regions or builder segments that are best fit for their products.
This tool enhances prospecting efforts, allowing Sales and Marketing Executives to easily identify:
Markets or regions that are best positioned to adopt your products.
Specific builders that would benefit most from your products.
The builders that are most likely to implement your products.
Why Choose SmartSearch Prospecting over other Prospecting Tools?
SmartSearch Prospecting is the only tool of its kind. It utilizes the unique building data from over 250,000 new HERS-rated homes per year built by thousands of different builders across the U.S., including 9 of the top 10 builders in the country.
As a result of the being the #1 HERS Rating Software Provider in the country and working directly with home energy raters daily, we understand exactly which factors are affecting building decisions and the approaches builders are taking to earn rebates and drive down costs. SmartSearch Prospecting gives Sales and Marketing executives of building products that have an impact on energy efficiency that same luxury.
How Does SmartSearch Prospecting Work?
Building Product Manufacturers simply define their ideal customer targets based upon building criteria and then they can run a search across our national database. This search can virtually swap in their product to identify regions or builder segments that will see the most benefit and are therefore strong prospects.
To ensure success, Ekotrope's building science experts advise you on how best to define the criteria to meet your objectives. We believe that giving residential construction stakeholders actionable insights is the most effective way to innovate the building industry and advance the construction of energy efficient housing.

Features and Benefits
Identify Ideal Prospects with Ease
Prospecting can be one of the toughest bottlenecks in the sales process, but now it doesn’t have to be. Identify regional and individual targets with ease.
Shorten the Sales Cycle
Spend less time chasing cold leads and more time talking to the builders who will greatly benefit from your products.
One-of-a-Kind Data Set
Ekotrope’s unique position as the #1 HERS software provider means we aggregate detailed home data for 1 in 4 homes built every year.