Scenario Modeling for Building Product Manufacturers
Scenario Modeling allows BPMs to perform business analytics and virtual what-if scenarios involving their product against a builder’s portfolio or a specific region.

What is Scenario Modeling?
Scenario Modeling allows you to perform business analytics and virtual what-if scenarios involving your product against a builder’s portfolio or a specific region to increase conversion rates among qualified sales leads. Using this tool as part of your sales cycle, you can tailor your pitch to the customer, showing the impact of your products across their entire portfolio.
With energy codes becoming increasingly stringent, the ability to illustrate positive energy and subsequent financial benefits to builders is a huge asset. Additionally, you can foster stronger relationships with leads by providing valuable information during the consultative sales process such as finding viable paths to code compliance or increased rebate capture that include your product.
Scenario Modeling is a unique tool like none other on the market, enabling you to better engage your leads and increase conversion rates by offering valuable data insights that have huge financial impacts for builders.

How Does Scenario Modeling Work?
Scenario Modeling allows you to show prospective clients just how much of an impact your product can have on their project or portfolio.
You simply identify the strategic initiatives you’d like to achieve and Ekotrope will run the analysis. You then receive a comprehensive report summarizing all of the tradeoff results and can share the report with your prospective customer to quantify the financial benefits of using your product. This type of analysis would typically be extremely difficult or impossible to do manually, but Scenario Modeling makes it a breeze.
The Scenario Modeling Report includes key results such as:
45L Tax Credit compliance impact
Increased utility rebate capture
HERS Index and ENERGY STAR impact
Code compliance impact

Features and Benefits
Increase Conversion Rates
While engaged with major builders in a sales process, increase conversion rates by quantifying the impact of your product for a builder’s portfolio.
Easily Convey Benefits to Prospects
Upsell builders to premium, energy efficient products by clearly illustrating the energy and financial benefits for their specific portfolio.
Help Builders Find Compliance Paths
With energy codes constantly changing, builders are constantly worried about compliance paths for future projects. You can now help a builder find a path to code compliance that includes your product.