HERS Ratings
Ekotrope RATER is used to rate 1 in 4 new homes built in the United States and is the industry-standard HERS rating software.

Our Solution
Ekotrope RATER is the leading home energy rating software in the US, utilized for nearly 80% of all HERS ratings and 1 in 4 new homes built in the U.S. Our RESNET accredited RATER software is the choice of over 220 HERS rating companies across the country, including all 10 of the largest. In addition to HERS, we also actively support building standards for Energy Star, Department of Energy, EPA, ASHRAE, LEED, IECC, NGBS, and many more.
Our software optimizes every step of energy modeling, from design to certification. We develop cloud-based tools that reduce the time, cost and effort of designing energy efficient buildings — and allow energy professionals, builders, evaluators and utility administrators to collaborate seamlessly in real-time via our API.
Ekotrope has created new and innovative add-on features for our RATER application that facilitate even more efficient connections between raters, builders, and utility companies. With tools like Scenario Modeling and Automated Design Assistance, residential construction stakeholders can provide more accurate analyses, share incentive information in real-time, and transfer files in just a few clicks.
Ekotrope is constantly working to evolve our software tools to streamline the modeling, submission, and reporting processes to make the construction of energy efficient homes faster and more productive than ever before. Learn more about all of our tools by visiting our resources page.
Ekotrope makes energy efficiency easy.
Our Algorithm
Ekotrope RATER is powered by a proprietary hourly energy algorithm that is the industry standard as required by RESNET. Ekotrope RATER has used an hourly algorithm since its inception and is dedicated to ensuring that it provides the most reliable and accurate energy use analysis for a home energy model.
What is a HERS Index?
The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index is the industry standard by which a home’s energy efficiency is measured in the U.S. It was created and is maintained by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET), a recognized national standards-making body for building energy efficiency rating and certification systems in the United States.
A HERS Score gives insight into a home’s cost of ownership, home performance, energy features, and even potential resale value. A lower HERS Index score indicates less energy usage, resulting in bigger savings on your utility bills.
To get a HERS Index score, a Home Energy Rater must assess the energy efficiency of a home and compare it to a “reference home”- a designed-model home with all of the same specifications as the actual home, so that the score is always relative to the shape and size of the home you live in. That’s where Ekotrope RATER comes in. Ekotrope RATER makes the process of creating these models and allows HERS raters to collaborate with builders to create more efficient buildings.

Features & Benefits
Proprietary Hourly Energy Algorithm
Our hourly engine was at the center of our product from the start
Accurate & Fast HERS Ratings
Our HERS ratings are calculated with precision to be the most accurate ratings in the industry, at a pace that supports your business
Embedded Rebate Calculations
Ekotrope RATER gives you real-time rebate calculations so you can save even more, instantly.
Automated QA/QC
We were the first in the industry to automate quality assurance and integrate it right into our rating software—this means improved accuracy while saving you time
1-Click Submissions
Submit straight to the RESNET registry with just one click for faster turnaround and increased productivity
Industry Thought Leadership
Ekotrope is proud to enable RESNET’s mission towards improving energy efficiency across the U.S.—we’re continuously finding ways to improve the efficiency of new homes